Do you use dryer sheets? I used to until I got tired of the price and waste. On my journey to becoming chemical free as much as possible, I came across homemade dryer sheets that are reusable! And I had everything I needed!
You only need a couple of items. First, you’ll need some old soft cloths. We had a ton of baby washcloths and they worked perfectly for this. Put them in a container or jar. Ten fit comfortably in our jar. I used a small mason jar. Next, add 3/4 cup of white vinegar and 1/4 of water. Now for the fun part! Add some essential oil of your choice! I always have a variety of oils, so we change it up each batch. Let it set for a few hours for the liquids to soak into the cloths. They shouldn’t be dripping wet. Add one to each dryer load and repeat!
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