How do you get to the collective consciousness? What does that even mean? Well to put it simply, it’s a shared set of beliefs, values, and societal norms that bring us together. I went on a journey to get there and meet someone important to me. I also find it’s important to take my clients on this journey.
Being in the collective consciousness was calming, peaceful and I felt like I had all the answers, I had no questions, which is a complicated statement. I have so many questions without answers, but being in the collective consciousness makes that all dissipate.
From there, I took myself to my future self. There are always rules and I couldn’t get all of the answers on this journey, but I felt comforted by what I learned. I was beautiful with long greying hair. I was still in the same home I’m in now. I was enjoying a beautiful sunny day by my pool. We enjoyed coffee as she told me that I was on the right path and just needed to keep going. She also echoed what my spirit guide has told me many times; take care of yourself.
You see, I’m not the best at putting my health first. I care for others and push my health concerns to the side. I let home and work take over my entire life. Stress sometimes completely overwhelms me. This message had also been given to my mother from her mother that passed several years ago. This is another reason that I’ve put myself on this spiritual path. That, my friends is a story for another day.
She gave me a gift and sent me on my way. This gift came with a message that popped into my head the second I open it. I knew exactly what needed to happen and it’s created a beautiful new thing for my family.
she is always with me if I listen. She is my inner mentor and will always lead me in the right direction. We all have this person, this spirit with us if we know how to listen. The hard part is allowing her/him to come to the forefront and pushing that inner critic out.
This journey will be similar but so different for everyone that takes it. I would love to take you on it someday.
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