Coaching Experience

On my journey to becoming a Spiritual Life Coach, I’ve had the pleasure of working with two amazing women. When I asked for volunteers to provide a few free coaching sessions to for experience, I only received one person that was interested. I met with her 5 times to find out her needs and work on overcoming obstacles in her life. Each session, I gave her homework assignments and checked in at our next appointment on those assignments. It’s so important in life to have someone holding you accountable when you struggle with doing that for yourself. These homework assignments were simple but can feel overwhelming when you’re already struggling. A few of the things that I had her do were visualization and the bell activity. I pushed her each time to give more details. We also did a meditation exercise in one of our sessions that can bring in a lot of emotions but is a great activity for anyone struggling with self-worth or confusion in their path.

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My Journey

Life is a journey that is unique to each individual, filled with their own experiences and challenges, shaping them into the person they are meant to be.  Who is that though?  For some, it takes a little bit longer to discover that. 

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Meditation & Spiritual Journey

Meditation is an incredible way to tap into your spirit guide! By calming your mind and opening your heart, you'll create a sacred space for connection with your guide. Jotting down thoughts post-meditation will help solidify any breakthroughs or guidance received during this special time.

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More on Spirit Guides

Meeting your spirit guide isn’t as hard as you think. While you can simply talk to them, sometimes you want to see the face of the person you are speaking to. My spiritual journey has been constant learning. You wouldn’t believe how many answers are out there when you ask.

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Collective Consciousness

How do you get to the collective consciousness? What does that even mean? Well to put it simply, it’s a shared set of beliefs, values, and societal norms that bring us together.  I went on a journey to get there and meet someone important to me. I also find it’s important to take my clients on this journey. 

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How to meet your spiritual guide

Everyone has a spirit guide. They are assigned to you at birth and are always with you. Along the way, you will have others join you, but they won't have the same purpose as your spirit guide. Departed loved ones, including pets may always visit when you need them. Your spirit guide is there to send you signs or synchronicities to guide you, but you always have free will to make your own decisions. Most people are completely unaware of their spirit guide and ignore the signs that come their way. Start paying attention and you'll start seeing everything that has always been there.

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Homemade Butter

Homemade doesn’t have to be hard and you can feel better about what’s in your house knowing what’s in it. I decided to start making more and buying less crap. Butter was an easy first and so easy!

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Homemade Cough & Cold Remedy

If you’re trying to live a more natural lifestyle, there are so many things that you can make at home versus buying it from the store. The next thing we made was some homemade cold and cough remedy. It’s so easy and good! All you need is a jar to store it in, some honey and lemons.

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Homemade Laundry Scent

If you’re one of those people that love adding scent beads to your laundry but are tired of the chemicals and rising cost, this easier mixture will solve both of those problems! 

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Homemade Dryer Sheets

Do you use dryer sheets? I used to until I got tired of the price and waste. On my journey to becoming chemical free as much as possible, I came across homemade dryer sheets that are reusable! And I had everything I needed! 

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Homemade Shampoo

Shampoo has so many things added to it, so naturally that got added to my list of things to make homemade! I was shocked at just how easy it is. You only need 3-4 items depending on your hair. For mine, I used 1/2 cup of water, 1/2 cup of Castile soap (I used Dr. Bronners), some essential oil and jojoba oil if you have dry hair. Pour it all into a bottle and shake. That’s it!  Don’t make the mistake I made though. I bought the peppermint scented Dr. Bronners versus the unscented. I do smell minty fresh though

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